Now Offering 100% Forested Pork!

Seasonal Broiler Production

written by

Lyle Carver

posted on

January 17, 2021

As much as possible we strive to work with nature. For Carver Family Farms LLC this means that our Cornish cross broilers should not be raised in the winter. In Central Virginia, birds will not thrive outdoors on pasture in the months of December-March. For that matter, July and August present many challenges as well.

Our regenerative model only works with nature. We try to maintain the highest standards in animal welfare. We want all of our animals to live a good life. Wintertime is less conducive to that: Water troughs can freeze, weight gains are inconsistent, birds cannot leave the brooder as early, we have more predator problems as other food sources become more scarce; etc. Since we believe birds should be raised in fresh air on pasture, we have to grow in accordance with our climate.

Summertime is also a challenge because the birds don’t do well in extreme heat. So in Virginia, the months of July and August are challenging and so we try to avoid them as much as possible. In Florida, producers can grow out birds all winter but tend to take the entire summer off (or drastically change management styles to overcome the heat).

We will stockpile birds in our freezers so that we have frozen birds for our customers year round. We will increase production every year to keep up with demand. We will try to recognize seasonal demand and process accordingly. Our November batch we processed more cut-up birds than whole roasting birds. Unfortunately our demand for whole birds for winter cooking has so far greatly exceeded our demand for boneless chicken breasts and leg quarters.

God gave us dominion over and stewardship of the land, but we believe that means working with His design rather than trying to bend it to our will.

We are learning more about God’s creation as we grow Carver Family Farms LLC. 2020 taught us to cook more and waste less. We tried new things. A freezer full of chicken has been such a blessing for our family. We are excited to see what 2021 brings and hope you will join us on this journey.


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I love living and farming in Virginia! We like to call our home county "God's Country." After growing up in Florida, I truly appreciate living somewhere that experiences all four seasons. Snow is beautiful and I enjoy exactly one snow per winter. We have now exceeded that and personally I am ready to move on to Spring. This winter has already thrown significantly more challenges at us than all of last winter combined.The Snow is beautiful! It makes for fun pictures and we did enjoy some sledding this year. Snow is a good example of why we do not raise our pastured chickens in the winter. We choose not to fight nature. If we had birds on pasture during the two recent snow storms, we would've either had to raise them indoors (no longer pastured) or we would've experienced catastrophic losses and difficult/dangerous farm chores on the iced over snow. We will start back with our meat chickens in early Spring.Even though our poultry is seasonal, our pigs are a year round enterprise. We have pigs during the winter and they thrive! The snow does not phase them in the slightest. They love the hay that we supply for them to bed down in. They stay warm as they bed in "pig piles" covered in hay. They have a shelter but it is more for our peace of mind than the pigs. As long as they have sufficient access to hay they can handle any winter weather that Virginia can throw at them. The frozen ground is problematic for some of our infrastructure projects but we do them as the weather allows and are constantly learning and improving.This time of year is a great time to focus on healthy eating and cooking new things. We eat pork or chicken from the farm nearly every day. We make bone broth year round but we seem to go through it more rapidly in the winter as we make soups and chilis. I also drink a mug of hot bone broth every day. In the near future, we will write more about our weekly menu and showcase how we eat almost all protein from Carver Family Farms.In the future we will have cattle and sheep as additional year round enterprises. We are excited to learn and grow! I hope you will join us on this journey of healthy land, healthy animals, and healthy people.

Happy New Year!

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